RACER Initiative

Robeson Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience Initiative (R.A.C.E.R)

Also, new to the Center is the Robeson Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience Initiative (R.A.C.E.R), supported by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. This endeavor provides a comprehensive approach to addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and toxic stress in Robeson County by:

1) Raising public awareness using the most effective messaging
2) Helping residents understand, recognize and prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
3) Establish a task force designed to map resources, inventory services, and implement a strategic plan for creating a service continuum for prevention & intervention efforts focusing on ACEs
4) Facilitate educational opportunities on the causes of ACEs and their universal impact

The Center provides local support to city/county leadership on innovative ACE prevention and mitigation. Our ACE Task Force has similar members to the community leaders described in the CBCR Initiative page. RACER was kicked into high gear with a webinar in June 2020 titled “Adverse Childhood Experiences in Robeson County, NC: A Community of Services”. More than 50 professionals from across the United States attended the webinar. In the post-webinar satisfaction survey, 100% of respondents said that the information presented was useful and would be utilized in their work. This was an important step forward towards our goal to build strong and healthy communities supporting positive child and family development.